Fiber Optic Cat's Eye Beads Get Their Name From Light Refraction Resembling The Center Of A Cat's Eye.
Kaleidoscope Crafts Carries Grade A Cats Eye Beads With Excellent Shape And A Well Defined Eye Within The Bead.
You Will Find Some Multi-Colored Strands Of Cat's Eye Beads That Are A Lower Grade With Economy Pricing.
Cat's Eye beads are man-made fiber optic glass expertly shaped into round beads by fusing quartz fibers together. They are the perfect jewelry beads. The color is brilliant and the bead refracts light. Sometimes referred to as "fiber-optic", these man-made beads change hues as they capture the light and have a band of light running through the center that resembles a 'cat's eye'. It's this cats eye look that make them desirable as jewelry beads. The optical illusions within each Cat's Eye bead create a stylish movement when worn on the wrist. The beads are Synthetic Quartz Cat's Eye beads that change their appearance by looking at them from different angles. The cat's-eye beads have a very definite eye streak and appear to shine from below the surface.